Papal Documents

Click on the title of the document


Medjugorje - The Queen of Peace



The XXXIX World Youth Day



The Care of Creation 2024



World Day of the Poor 2024



World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2024



The World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly 2024



Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee of the Year 2025



World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2024



World Children's Day 2024



World Mission Day 2024



Message for Lent 2024



World Day of Social Communications 2024



The XXXII World Day of the Sick



The 57th World Day of Peace



Prayer for Peace 2023



World Food Day 2023



Saint Therese of the Child Jesus



"Laudate Deum" on the Climate Crisis



World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly 2023



World Day of the Poor 2023



World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2023



World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2023



The Way of the Cross 2023



Message for Lent 2023



World Missionary Day 2023



World Day of the Sick 2023



Saint Francis de Sales



56th World Day of Peace



The Confirmation of the Good Choice



Persons with Disabilities 2022



Authentic Consolation



The XXXVII World Youth Day



The Youth Festival in Medjugorje 2022



World Day of Prayer For The Care Of Creation 2022



The 6th World Day of the Poor



World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2022



World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly 2022

Plenary Indulgence



Promoting Christian Unity 2022



World Day of prayer for Vocations 2022



Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary



Message for Lent 2022



The 26th Day of Consecrated Life



World Communications Day, May 29, 2022



World Mission Day 2022



World Day of the Sick, February 11, 2022



Letter to Married Couples



World Peace Day, January 1, 2022



Persons with Disabilities 2021



The XXXVI World Youth Day



The protection of Creation



Food System Summit 2021



First World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly



World Day of the Poor 2021



Ecosystem Restoration



Saint Dominic



The General States of Birth



The Ministry of Catechist



World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2021



Saint Alphonsus Maria de' Liguori



World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2021



Unions of Persons of The Same Sex



Message for Lent 2021



World Missionary Day 2021



The World Communications Day 2021



World Day of the Sick 2021



World Peace Day January 1, 2021



Saint Joseph, Patron of the Church



Persons with Disabilities



Letter of the Pope on Europe



Plenary Indulgences for November 2020



Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti



Devotion to Sacred Scripture - Saint Jerome



The Care of Persons in the Critical and Terminal Phases of Life



Pope's Message to All in Medjugorje



Together while Apart 2020



Apostles Peter and Paul 2020



The Pontifical Mission Societies 2020



World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2020



International Nurses' Day 2020



The Month of May 2020



World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2020



Special Indulgences



 Message for the World Youth Day 2020



Message for Lent 2020



Apostolic Exhortation: Querida Amazonia



Apostolic Letter: The Nativity Scene



Apostolic Letter: The Word of God



Encyclical Letter: Laudato Si



Encyclical Letter: Lumen Fidei


Encyclical Letter: CARITAS IN VERITATE



Encyclical Letter: SPE SALVI


Encyclical Letter: Deus Caritas Est


World Day for Peace 2006


Letter Pope of the Holy Father John Paul II
to Priests for Holy Thursday 2005

World Day for Prayer
for vocations

World Day for Peace
1 January 2005


The Eucharist

Message from pope for
Youth Day 2005


Other Documents of the Holy Father

The New American Bible

Catechism of the Catholic Church

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Catholic Music from Donna Cori Gibson

Donna's voice is fantastic and haunting. Her music can penetrate your spirit, lift up your heart and heal your brokeness. She is truly inspired by Our Lady and the power of the Holy Spirit. Please listen to her!

Father Michael B. Semana,
Founder of the World of Hope Foundation

Catholic Music from Marilla Ness

Over the last ten years Marilla has recorded fourteen Albums and two award winning music Video's, as well as having published her own Songbook which features many of her favourite hymns.
As you navigate Marilla's website, you will be able to hear excerpts from all of the Albums and order online should you wish, using our secure server.


Testimony's, Pilgrimage's and conversion story's
click on name below

  Alina 1°part

  Alina 2° part
(with photo's)

  Therese Joy
15 parts (with photo)

Chaplet to the Divine Mercy

St. Faustina's diary: God is Love

 God loves you 

 Dear Beloved One,

 Prayer of Sr Faustina

 Gives your cares to Jesus!

 Jesus says: Trust Me

 Divine Mercy:  the gift of Easter!

 Picture of Jesus from Sr Faustina

 Sr Faustina: God's gift to our time

 Apostolic Letter Novo Millennio Ineunte

 solidarity, generosity and fraternity in society


 The apostolate of the Laity

 Humility was basis of Mary's holiness

 Holy Father meditates on glorious mysteries of the Rosary with Bishops celebrating their Jubilee

  Mary shows us the way to God!

Photos from Mary


 Holy Father beatifies Francisco and Jacinta in Fatima

 First, second and third part of the "secret" off Fatima

 Pray the rosary

 THE ROSARY (pictures)

  Messages from Our Lady in Medjugorje (text file 229 kB)


 Saint Louis Mary de Montfort

 St Rita


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